
Monday, October 22, 2012

Confessions of a Movie Addict

For some reason, I've recently had this craving for movies. I've always loved watching movies, but lately all I've wanted to do is sit in my room and watch movies from my 100 movies to watch list. So when I went to the library on Friday, I got a bunch of movies and got through FIVE this weekend! That's right. When I wasn't playing Quidditch, I was holed up in my room watching some pretty fantastic movies! And while I was watching them, I got some progress done on my knitting and crocheting project! I'm only a couple of rows away from finishing my latest cowl and I've been firing through the tiny crochet bows. We're selling them for only $1 as fundraising for my knitting club, so I have quite a bit I'm going to have to make! But hopefully it's worth it in the end! Time definitely goes by faster if I have a really great movie to watch. 

These are the five movies I got through this weekend, and they were actually REALLY good! I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed them, especially the black and white ones. My favorites of these had to be...

I love Audrey Hepburn, so I wasn't too surprised how much I loved Roman Holiday. The other two, though, I had no idea what they were going to be about before I watched them. I was so happy with how they turned out! All three of these movies were such adorable, quirky romances, so that's why I think I loved them so much. After I watched one, I just couldn't wait to see what the next one had in store for me. And now I'm flying through my movie list! I reserved like seven more movies from the library that haven't come in yet that I'm just dying to see. I just hope I don't have too much homework going on so I can forget my life and get lost in the magical world these movies create :) 

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