
Friday, October 19, 2012

Kitchen Krazy: Marvel Comics Sugar Cookies

So when I went home last weekend, we went to the mall Saturday afternoon and I was able to stop by all of my favorite stores. So, of course, we got to go into William Sanoma and they were having a sale on pretty much everything in the store! I got so excited when I saw these Marvel Hero Cookie Cutters on the sale table. They were 25% and I knew I just HAD to have them. 

My amazing mother bought them for me and I went straight home and whipped up some sugar cookies!  They're so cool because you press down on the top to stamp the image onto the actually cookie. This was the first time I've ever used a cookie cutter like that and it was so much fun! Haha, I am completely obsessed with these cookie cutters now! 

They looked so cool when I was cutting them that I couldn't stop obsessing over their awesomeness. I was so giddy and dancing around while I was cutting the was definitely a fun baking experience! I didn't press hard enough on the stamp for some of them, so that's definitely something I'll remember for next time! But I absolutely adore my cookies and love choosing who I'm going to eat next :)

These guys are just so awesome!!!! And now I really want to watch the Avengers :) I should throw an Avengers part and make some cookies for the movie! Oh my goodness, there are so many possibilities with these cookie cutters...who knew food could be so fun and inspirational?? I'm definitely going to keep my eye out for more fun cookie cutters that I can add to my collection :)

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