
Thursday, October 4, 2012

October Goals

I absolutely love new months because there's so many possibilities for what the days ahead have in store for you! I am so obsessed with fall, so I'm excited to see where this month goes! And if it isn't obvious yet, I love making goals too, so I made a list of goals I hope to accomplish during this month! 

-Make pumpkin bread I hate not being able to bake at school, so I'm counting down the days I get to go home and use a real kitchen (7 days until fall break. Woo hoo!!!!). When I get home, the first thing I'm making is definitely Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread!
-Drink pumpkin smoothies I found a place on campus that sells pumpkin smoothies and I could barely contain my excitement! I've already had two this week alone and am hoping on another one later this week...I'm officially addicted ;)
-Eat healthier I've been eating so badly these past couple of months being back at school, so I really want to get back into the shape I was when I first came to school. Must. Stop. Eating. Cookies. 
-Read...and then read some more I haven't been reading as much as I've wanted to, which has made me really sad. This month, I want to make reading a high priority and get a good chunk out of my to-be read pile!
-Stay organized This is always a goal of mine, but I seriously need to remind myself to stay organized when it comes to blogging! If I don't, I don't post as much and it isn't as fun anymore. Organization is definitely key to my success! 
-Journal more I love journaling, so this month I need to make sure I put time aside to actually do this as often as I can! 
-Drink tea Mmmmmm nothing like a warm cup of tea to come home to after a long, cold day of classes!
-Work on knitting projects There are a ton of projects I really want to start, so hopefully I can get some started (and finished...) this month! 
-Run until I can't run anymore Even though it's getting colder, I need to keep on running! I feel so good when I run and it's the best way to stay in shape and have a healthy lifestyle!
-Dominate at Quidditch My first Quidditch tournament of the year is this weekend and I'm so excited!  I hope it goes well and that we win some games because we're going to need the best record we can get if we want to go to World Cup in Florida this year! Here's hoping!
-Eat Halloween candy Yeah, I know this completely contradicts the eat healthy goal, but Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and what better way to celebrate than to eat some yummy seasonal candy?? 

October is going to be so fabulous! I'm so excited to get into this month and embrace the Fall season. Hopefully the beginning of this new month is going as well for you as it is for me :)


  1. nice post! October is my favorite month for baking..... chocolate chip pumpkin bread sounds awesome!
