
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chef Santa and the Christmas Countdown

While I was home, I was able to decorate the house in Christmas decorations! Every Black Friday, me and my sister wake up super early and put up the decorations while my mom hits the shops early. Then, when she comes home, we go out with her around 10 am so we can hit the sales that end before noon, but aren't with all of the crazies. It's a perfect system and I look forward to it every single year! 

Here are a couple of shots of our decorations around the house. We have so many boxes we have to bring up from the basement, but it's so worth it to have a decked out Christmas house! I love our Santa Chef and our Christmas countdown Santa. Every morning in December, my sister, brother, and I always run to the Santa as soon as we wake up so we can move the star for that day. It gets pretty intense, but it's something I look forward to every single morning of December :)

I'm so excited to spend the next month with these decorations. It's sad I'm stuck at school for the next two weeks in my dorm, but once exams are over I can go to my beautiful home and bask in the yards of sparkly garland and Christmas lights! And hopefully when I get home, there'll be some pretty presents under the tree :) Eeeh I absolutely can't wait!!! 

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