
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Random Wishing Wish List

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7

It's been a while since I made a wish list, but I have come across so many cute things lately that I knew I had to make one. I know Christmas just passed, but there are always things you forget to ask for until Santa has already come and gone! 

I saw the mint scalloped purse over at Scathingly Brilliant and instantly fell in love. I have always loved pastel colors and that mint color as a purse is just too perfect. I think that's why I want the strawberry sorbet EOS lip balm too. I have the red one, but the pink is just so much prettier!

With the winter weather moving in, I'm definitely wishing I had more colorful tights and closed toe shoes to make an outfit pop. I have, though, been showing off all of the lovely scarves/cowls I've made over the past couple of months. I love wearing them and knowing that I'm the one who made them. I think that's why I love the cold weather so much, because I can wear my creations :)

So that's what has been added to my wish list this week! Hopefully I can get my hands on some of these soon because I don't know how much longer I can deal with lusting after them! Haha, I'm sure you all can relate! When there's something you want so much that you can't help but sigh every time you see it...maybe I'll convince Santa to make a belated trip to me sometime soon ;)


  1. Hello! I was just wondering if you use anything in particular to make your little wishlist photo or is it just done one Photoshop? Thanks!
    Anna x

    1. Hi! I actually make it in Microsoft Powerpoint! I adjust them all individually, then save it all as a picture. It's actually really easy to make!
