
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Photo An Hour: March 11, 2013

Monday was quite a rainy day and I had no car since both of my parents needed theirs for work. I didn't fret, though, because I had quite a bit of things I wanted to get done that day. So I sucked it up and made a giant to-do list. I'm happy to say that despite the non stop rainy weather, I actually had a good day. Here's how I ended up spending it. 

7 am // Time for a good old 4 mile run on the treadmill while watching Pirates of the Caribbean

8 am // Time for some yummy fiber one chocolate cereal and an even yummier book 

9 am // Some tea to start off my morning just right

10 am // I decided to watch Becoming Jane while working on my chevron afghan

11 am // I spent some time finding cute prints online and printing them off for my desk area

12 pm // Time for lunch! I made myself a nice, healthy salad

1 pm // I pulled out some nail polish to paint my nails while reading for my Asian American Lit class

2 pm // My puppy decided to stop being anti-social and keep me company for awhile

3 pm // It rained literally ALL DAY

4 pm // I was admiring the yarn I just bought for a new chevron afghan. I can't wait to work on it once I'm done with the black and white one I'm working on now. 

5 pm // I spent wayyy too much time on tumblr, reblogging pictures that I'm in love with

6 pm // The book I was reading at breakfast is so addicting! I just had to read some more. 

7 pm // My sister texted me so I spent awhile chatting with her about my day and her classes 

8 pm // After watching some tv with my parents, I holed up in my room for the rest of the night, reading and trying to clean some of my stuff from school up. 

And that was how I spent my rainy Monday! Being stuck at home without a car didn't end up so bad after all :)

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