
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Journal Embroidery: Tea for Two

I am so in love with the journal embroidery Meredith from One Sheepish Girl does on her blog. Embroidery is something I've always wanted to try out, but never actually sat down and tried. So, I decided to try it out and start my very own embroidery journal! 

One of the first pages Meredith did was of a tea cup, so I decided to try something similar out. It wasn't too hard to figure out, but paper is so sensitive! I had to be super careful pulling the floss through each hole to make sure that I would not rip the page. Also, silly me didn't think that having two holes super close to each other wouldn't work out because the holes would just end up forming into each other. So this page was definitely a learning experience, but I loved how it turned out! 

The words were probably the hardest part of the page to embroider, but I can only get better from here. I've got so many ideas that I would love to fill this journal with and I can't wait! 

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool. I've had a few attempt at this myself but none as elaborate or cute as yours. Keep going and hope to see more.
    Kate xx
