
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fancy a Trip to Cambridge?

This past Saturday, a group of us took a train to Cambridge for the day and it was far from what I was expecting, but definitely in a good way! Cambridge is this beautiful place where it's not just one University, but made up of tons and tons of different colleges. The two main ones, King's College and Queen's College, are gorgeous and I actually got to go inside of King's College into the King's College Chapel for free because we stayed until 5:30 to watch the Choir Evensong (normally you have to pay). The service was gorgeous and the choir of boys sounded so cool. It was definitely an experience I won't forget. 

Aside from the colleges, there are tons of little shops and there are bikes EVERYWHERE. I made sure to get a postcard from the gift shop that not only showed the city, but also people on bikes. Because of the popularity of the bikes, there were these cute bike shops around that sold bikes and baskets for the bikes. It was just so darn cute and I could only imagine going to school there, living in these beautiful houses with gigantic green lawns, riding my bike around town and to class. *sigh* If only.

We found super adorable markets right outside of King's College and I had a delicious meatball baguette that was only 2.50 pounds! I absolutely love the food in England and I get so excited when I see something new and fun to try out. They also had some delicious looking desserts at one booth and I tried a little bit of a lemon tart slice that one of my friends got, and that was amazing too. I don't know what it is, but the food here just makes me so happy :)

Overall, this day trip was so much fun and I'm so happy I got to see such an amazing University. I had not known much about Cambridge, but I loved seeing the lifestyle there and how beautiful the buildings and colleges were. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it over to Oxford University too, but I've heard it's really pretty there as well. Being at Cambridge makes me want to transfer right away and spend the next two years relaxing in England at a beautiful college. A girl can dream, right? 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it just so beautiful? I applied to go to Uni there but was unfortunately not accepted. However I spent a beautiful week staying in one of the colleges for summer school last year. I just love the architecture and the atmosphere there.
    Kate xx
