
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Princess Birthday Cakes and Cat Flats

Wow, is it really already the last full week of June? Summer is just flying by and I have no idea how it went by so fast! Over the past couple of weeks, I have been having the best book mail arrive for me! I won a giveaway where I received a super cute tote bag and the movie tie-in edition of The Fault in Our Stars. I absolutely loved the book, so I was excited to win the wonderful giveaway! I saw the movie earlier this month and bawled my eyes out. It was so good! I don't know if I could ever put myself through that emotional experience again, but everyone should definitely go out and see it!

Along with my TFIOS giveaway, I received Rainbow Rowell's new book, as well as Miranda Kenneally's new book! They are two of my favorite authors, so I am extremely excited to read their latest releases.

Oh my gosh, have you guys tried Tim Horton's frozen hot chocolate? It is officially my favorite summer drink. My sister and I love getting a large to share to cool down on these hot summer days. Oh, and isn't that Rapunzel cake the cutest? I went to a birthday party of our family friend's 3-year-old daughter and she is obsessed with all things Disney princess. I definitely want a cake like that for my birthday next month! You can never be too old for Disney, right?

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