
Saturday, January 26, 2013

King Kong and Squirrel Mugs

Do you know what day it is? That's right, it's Saturday! Which means that I have the day to get a lot of stuff done that I've been wanting to do all week. Who knew classes and homework could take up so much time? Here's what I hope to get done today...

1. Since it's been freezing lately, my little ears get so cold on the way to classes. Hopefully I can find a cute pattern to make a headband to keep them warm. I already tried a cabled headband and really didn't like how it turned out, so it's time for take two. 

2. Hopefully, the first meeting for my Jane Austen Book Club will take place this week! I have to make up some flyers and spread the word so that people will come to the information session on Wednesday. I can't wait to start reading Jane's books and discussing them with fellow Austen lovers. 

3. I got the original King Kong from the library and I'm super excited to watch it. I really enjoyed the new version with Jack Black and Naomi Watts, so I'm really intrigued to see how this one turns out. 

4. I'm definitely going to get some use out of this squirrel mug my sister got me for Christmas. Nothing sounds better than a delicious warm cup of tea in this frigid weather. 

5. I am OBSESSED with my new glasses. I seriously never want to wear my contacts again. haha, which will be kind of difficult to maybe I'll just wear my glasses more often than I do now :) And I've been writing in my writer's notebook more and more. Who knew writing down everything you see in the world could be so much fun? 

So that's what I'll be doing today! Then, I get to go to Columbus on Sunday and spend the day with my parents, which I am absolutely ecstatic about. Hope you guys have great weekends as well :)

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