
Monday, November 12, 2012

William Shakespeare and Duck Soup

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Mine seemed to fly by because it was so busy, but it was so much fun! Being surrounded by such talented athletes and Quidditch enthusiasts was amazing and I couldn't have asked for a better weekend! But now that it's over, it's time to come back down to reality. Here's what I've got planned to do with my time back home at Oxford...

1. Write my Shakespeare paper I have a lovely 10 page Shakespeare paper due this week, so I'll be spending a lot of quality time with my Shakespeare text book! I'm writing about The History of King Lear and how the women who hold power in the play (King Lear's daughters) are inevitable failures due to their feminine qualities. Yeah, it completely demeans women, but that's what makes it so fun to write! I get to see how life back then was like and how Shakespeare brilliantly portrays their ideals in his play. The not so fun part is putting all that in to a 10 page paper, but I guess we'll see how it goes! 

2. Start a knitting project  I've had this adorable turquoise yarn in my yarn stash for a while and I have no idea what to do with it! I really want to start a new cowl project, so I've been roaming around Raverly looking for the perfect pattern. I haven't found it yet, but I'm determined to start something new this week, so hopefully I can find a pattern soon! 

3. Watch Duck Soup I'm not entirely sure what this movie is about, but it's on my list of movies to watch, so I got it from the library! It definitely looks like a very interesting movie, so I'm excited to see how it turns out! 

And that's all I'm going to be up to on this lovely Monday night! That's pretty much the dull life of a knitting college student! Haha, but I wouldn't trade my life for the world. I know writing papers sounds icky, but English is my passion, so I've grown to get used to writing papers in exchange for being able to surround myself with literary geniuses like Shakespeare and Jane Austen! But enough rambling from me. I hope you guys had a great Monday and enjoy the rest of your week :)


  1. Thankfully I never had to right a Shakespeare paper! But, I did have to memorize some scenes and act it out based on the context clues (since Shakespeare doesn't write out literal stage directions). I did have to read Pride & Prejudice twice while in college. I do hope you choose that Jane Austen book next...I'm sure you will love it!

  2. that is some good yarn. i have one skein of it but i haven't used it yet.

  3. I really need to start knitting again - I miss it! That yarn is such a gorgeous color :D
